how to choose a research topics

How to Select a Research Topic: Key Factors for Choosing a PhD Research Topic

One of the most crucial considerations for a researcher is selecting the research topic. Writing a research subject report requires a particular set of abilities and dispositions. One is that you must always strive to have an original, inventive, and captivating research topic.

Finding a research topic can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavour that marks the beginning of your academic journey. Selecting the ideal research topic is the pivotal first step in setting the course for an enriching academic exploration. This article will delve into the considerations and strategies researchers employ to zero in on the perfect research topic.

DETERMINE YOUR AREAS OF INTEREST AND NEED: The first step is Finding your interests and passions within your proposed research area. What are the subjects that interest you, that you like to read about or debate, or that you have firsthand knowledge of? Make a list of potential concepts and terms that are related to your interests.

Review the literature that has already been written on those subjects and scan it for any gaps, disagreements, or unanswered queries. How can you use your viewpoint and supporting data to fill such gaps?

FINDING OUT ABOUT RECENT PUBLISHED LITERATURE: It is crucial to comprehensively analyze the published literature to spot gaps or areas requiring more research. Researchers pore into academic journals, books, and scholarly publications to comprehend the present state of their area.

This procedure facilitates insight generation and guarantees that the selected subject is timely and adds to the corpus of knowledge of your Ph.D. research project.

REMAINING OPEN TO NEW THINGS: In the research process, flexibility is essential. Researchers may encounter unexpected results or difficulties when exploring their chosen field. It’s essential to have an open mind when changing the research question or approach to ensure the study stays relevant and provides valuable insights.

TAKING ADVICE FROM MENTORS: Participating in conversations with mentors and peers can yield priceless insights. Mentors can provide Advice on a topic’s viability and relevance due to their depth of expertise. On the other hand, peers might offer new perspectives and fresh ideas that can assist to clarify and concentrate the research.

So, are you seeking expert guidance? Explore the research consulting services for answers and the support you require, including a complimentary session for the first time.

JUSTIFY YOUR TOPIC: Your choice in selecting the right research topic represents your personal preferences and professional qualifications and contributions to your area. You should be able to justify and convince readers and researchers why your issue is important. By outlining the context, justification, goals, procedures, and importance of your study, you may explain and defend your issue in a clear and succinct research proposal. If you can do so, you’re on the right track.

Finding the right research topic requires a delicate balance between intellectual knowledge and personal enthusiasm. Following these strategies will pave the way for impactful and meaningful research endeavours.

As you navigate the delicate balance between intellectual knowledge and personal enthusiasm in your quest for the right research topic, consider the invaluable guidance and support a research coach can provide. Their expertise and insights can enhance your academic journey, making it smoother and more impactful. While you can certainly undertake this journey independently, having a professional’s help can make a significant difference.

A research coach can provide invaluable guidance and support, enhancing your academic journey with expertise and insights.

Also, check out my book, ‘A Guide to a Topic Selection Journey for First-time Researchers: ZEROING IN ON A RESEARCH TOPIC.’


The researcher will first identify the area of interest in a subject discipline and then narrow it down. This can be done by exploring secondary resources from Journals, theses, books, magazines, Blogs, etc.

Further narrowing down to a niche topic will take time. But it is worth exploring, evaluating, and becoming familiar with trending research. When there is confusion about which topic to select, seeking guidance and talking to experts is better.

Survey literature on the selected topic to get an overview of the work published and known. So that there is no duplication. Choose the latest issues of Journals to get current topics of research. Then, you may see back issues at most 3 to 5 years old.

Once the research topic is selected, the research title will be formulated, and a research proposal will be developed and submitted for approval to the concerned University or Institution. Once approved, the topic cannot be changed.

The researcher must work on the topic and submit a thesis at the end of the stipulated period. So, the selected topic must sustain the interest until completion of the Ph.D. The researcher is motivated to work hard and give the best when researched with interest and enthusiasm. Success is inevitable!

A good research question will provide solutions to an identified problem. A good research question is also one that will fill in the research gap identified during the literature survey.

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