Why are there no shortcuts to developing a research proposal? 

A research proposal must be well-thought and well planned. The research design shows the reviewer your roadmap to a successful research outcome and possible innovative solutions.   

A research proposal is a plan of research activities you propose to conduct. Research, particularly a Ph.D., will occupy your time, effort, and energy focused on your research. Developing a research proposal is the initial phase in any research project. A research plan spanning three to four years cannot be planned in a week or two. 

Much thought goes into the research design, a blueprint of the entire research proposed to be conducted. The design must be based on the existing knowledge. Developing and presenting a research proposal is crucial for securing approval and funding for your study.

Often in my experience, aspiring research Scholars, approach for help when there are just ten days or two weeks left for the submission deadline. Leaving very little time for reading, review   and planning, which is a critical to acceptance of the proposal if done in a rush. The steps for developing a research proposal involve defining research objectives, conducting a literature review, and outlining research methods and a timeline. Therefore, I suggest that you must take time to survey literature, read and be prepared with the background of research area.

A sound well thought-of proposal can also be rejected because it has not been formatted well. Often proposals are sent out without getting it proof read by others, as there is less time for submission. Proposals sent for review without proofreading and grammar and plagiarism check are not likely to be accepted. 

A research proposal made in haste has more chances of not being shortlisted for the admission process. It can leave loopholes and generate questions that will be put across during the personal interview, if you are lucky to be shortlisted and called for one.

Reviewers are efficient, sharp and experienced in the field; having guided several Ph.D. scholars, they can quickly identify these loopholes. Hit the submit button only when you are sure that you are ready. In case you need help you can reach out – book a research consultation for free! http://sumanmundkur.com

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