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how to publish a research paper

When you have finished your research paper, what follows next? Naturally, research paper publication in a journal!

In this blog, I will provide you with tips on how to showcase your work to its fullest. Learn how to have your work published, choose the best journal, comprehend what a peer-reviewed article is, and handle the publishing process. Think about the following while choosing a research outlet:

➢ What will make the journal accept my research paper?

➢ Does this journal have a good reputation and sound quality?

➢ Who is the audience/readership of this journal?

➢ How long does it take for a submission to be answered by the journal? What is the rejection rate of the journal?

➢ Expect the publication process to take an extra three months or more after you have finished writing, revising, editing, and proofreading your work—a process that can take months. 

Before a journal will accept your research paper, it must be print-ready. First, check whether the paper fits the scope of the journal. Each journal has different criteria for submission. Before submitting, carefully review the guidelines on a publication’s submission requirements page.

Create a list of every prerequisite to ensure you remember everything. Your paper may be accepted if the submission conditions are met.

The paper must be proofread entirely, rewritten, modified, reorganized, and edited. Before submitting to a journal, once again check if all the guidelines have been conformed to, organize the reference list, get the paper plagiarism checked, 

A graduate student should think about several things before publishing. Precisely, the student ought to inquire: 

➢ Is my study rigorous, systematic, academic work?

➢ Why is it essential to the people who may read your work?

➢  Is it original and unique?

Remember that a typical research paper or a scholarly journal article can be between 3,000 and 7,000 words unless specified in the guidelines.

It is challenging to cut the word count considerably. However, remember that many people have done this before, and many more will do it. Have patience, and you are capable as well. The art is in concisely communicating your research.

Did you know that there are 12,534 Journals, 250 Disciplines, 236 Scientific Categories, 1.7 Billion Cited references and 159 Million Articles? 

In the end, there are several ways to publish your research in a journal. Nevertheless, there are just as many predatory publishers out there trying to take advantage of academics as there are few respectable and reputable publishers to be found online. 

Before starting the procedure, make sure to carefully verify the credentials of unknown publications.

When in doubt, utilize Think or ask your mentor or peers whether they believe the publisher is credible. (If you need any guidance related to publishing? Schedule a FREE consultation and get your queries answered.) CLICK HERE 

Check and then send it in. There are several resources available to assist you in determining which journals would be the most appropriate to submit your research.

Some examples of how to find and where to submit your research for publication are listed below:

➢ EndNote Matcher

➢ Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE)

➢ Publish & Flourish Open Access

➢ Researcher.Life Journal Suggester

➢ Journal Finder or Manuscript Matcher of any of the well-known Publishers 

While shortlisting journals in your subject area and your topic consider your intended audience, the reputation of the journal, the scope of the journal, the journal Impact factor, the number of Issues in a year, publishing style and format, type of articles published, number of words/pages, figure and table quality, and rank. Try to publish in SCI, SCIE, SSCI, ESCI, SCOPUS, DOAJ Journals, and UGC CARE listed Journals. 

Select a Journal that is widely read. The journal should be in wide circulation. Only then is it likely to attract attention/ citation.

Several open-access repositories allow free access to research publications and make your published research paper accessible, such as Google Scholar, Digital Commons Network,, ResearchGate, Digital Libraries, and more. 

Finding a journal to publish, even before starting to write the paper, can help draft an excellent research paper! Enjoy the process of writing and publishing!

(Also, check out my book, ‘A Guide to a Topic Selection Journey for First-time Researchers: ZEROING IN ON A RESEARCH TOPIC‘)

Dr. Suman Mundkur: A Dedicated Research Coach & Author



To publish a research paper online, select a reputable journal, follow their submission guidelines, and submit your manuscript for peer review. Upon acceptance, the paper will be published on the journal’s website.


To publish a research paper in India, select a relevant journal, prepare your manuscript according to its guidelines, and submit it through the journal’s online portal. Peer review follows, and if accepted, the paper will be published.


You can publish research papers in peer-reviewed journals, academic conferences, institutional repositories, and online platforms. Choose a venue based on your field, audience, and the paper’s significance.

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